Passion Project

The quarantine was one of the scariest times we’ve all lived through. So much insecurity and uncertainty touched every one of us.

For me it was a good time to let go of a few things that needed to go. It was also a good time to get down and dirty on a project that has been eating at my consciousness for years. I’ve been learning this from scratch! This past weekend I was able to make huge treads in this path completely unknown to me. I’m feeling really good about it!

While I’m not ready to reveal my project just yet, just know that it’s something I probably should’ve done from the very beginning. You know, before the world shut off my creativity. Before I was told, “You can’t do that.” Before I was trained to be another robotic corporate climber.

The time and place I come from was not that of what dreams are made of. Instead, the top priority was survival. Leave your personality and creativity in the trash can at the door.

It’s sad to think of the brilliant minds that get destroyed by being forced to fit in the mold. How different would our world be if we weren’t forced into the idea that the only way to be successful is to have money?

We’re so much more.

“Y en las sombras
mueren genios sin saber
de su magia
concedida, sin pedirlo
mucho tiempo antes de nacer”
“And in the shadows
geniuses die without knowing
of their magic
granted, without asking
long before being born”
“En Algun Lugar” – Duncan Dhu

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