You’ve Still Got Me

A few weeks ago, during our Christmas break, I found myself filled with anxiety and uncertainty. So much ridiculousness was living rent-free on my mind. One morning, I was crying in bed telling Vince about all the things weighing on me. Vince just listened and told me he understood how I was feeling. Then he told me, “You’ve still got me.” And I thought, “Yes, I do.”

The truth is, coming down to it, my husband is the best thing that could’ve ever happened to me. We’ve been through so much together. I’ve had so many falls. Vince has always known his place and has patiently been with me through it all. He may not always have the right words for me, but he’s got the best hugs and biggest heart. He makes me happy.

I don’t know what I ever did to deserve this man in my life, but I will never stop being thankful that he’s in it.

He’s perfect.
Forever my favorite human.
He’s still as handsome as ever.

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