That’s A Wrap!

It seems as Miss Aria is getting older, she’s getting busier. Which in turn means Vince and I get busier. We have to block out time to drive her places and of course, the time she will be at whatever activity.

This semester has taken a whole new turn for my Little Precious. Her school work has become a little harder for her. We’ve been spending more time working on comprehension and math. It’s been new territory for us, but as we’re wrapping up the semester, her grades are doing much better. She even earned Student of the Month at school!

But wait, there’s more!

At the end of last season, Aria decided she was done with dance. She decided she wanted to try her hand at basketball. We found a local league that is all about teaching the basics of the game. While they do have games on weekends, it’s more focused on the kids learning how to actually play.

It’s been a little busier for all of us between getting Aria to practices and giving up our Saturday mornings for games. But honestly it’s been such a great experience for all of us! Aria’s teammates have become good friends with her. (Seriously, they all showed up to her birthday party. They’d only known her for less than two months!) All the parents have been so welcoming to us. And her coach has been very patient and loving to all the team. Everyone involved has been so supportive to each other.

Aria’s growth in the game has been phenomenal! From where she started in August of being afraid of catching the ball, to now chasing after rebounds and making plays. Her confidence and skills of this game have grown so much! She’s so excited for next semester!

I hope things keep going well for Miss Aria. She’s worked so hard to learn it all. I see her growing every day into the most amazing person. I’m crazy proud of her!

Her Kissy Missy doll wanted to show her love too!

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