
Have some faith in your creatives. You never know what magic they could hold under their sleeve.

This is why we’re broke.

Occasionally I receive invitations to apply for positions I might be qualified for.

Let’s get one thing clear, I am back working for education. I’m currently happy with where I’m at. The environment is very low-drama which is wonderful! People are super chill around here. The only thing I would change if I could is the pay. But seeing posts like the one below, I have very little faith I could make any more anywhere else.

We live in a time when positions in marketing and communications are needed greatly, but are seen more as an expense than an investment. Companies know they need branding, social media presence, and everything necessary to raise awareness of their product or offerings. They also know all these things cost money, and of course that’s when most companies decide they would rather cut corners than invest in themselves. Why hire a graphic designer when the crafty accountant can just use Canva? The receptionist spends her day on Facebook, so she can be the social media manager.

Here’s the job description:

This is the pay they are offering.

I’m a bit perturbed seeing posts like this. This isn’t a job the average person can do. These companies are squeezing lots of positions and qualifications into one. They’re asking for plenty of actual experience working in the field. Worst of all, they want it all for much less pay than I am currently making. What person is supposed to be applying here? A fresh out of college graduate that probably doesn’t have much experience in the field? Or a person who has a good 5 years of experience? After gaining that much experience, that person is probably at the point they need to be making more than this. And then asking for the possibility of a graduate degree – WTF? Do they not know all that education costs money? In most cases, if you’re getting the education, you can’t get the experience. If you’re getting experience, you can’t get the education. If you do, you’re probably running on fumes.

What most of these companies don’t realize is that most graphic designers have knowledge and interest in photography, video, and the other creative areas companies need to make their brand image. Just the knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite should be more appreciated. Anyone who knows how to use these applications has received some intense and very expensive training. That doesn’t include having to keep up with the updates happening every year. And social media is a beast in itself. Just the analytics alone could drive a person up the wall. Let alone the constant creation of dynamic content and having to keep up with ever-changing algorithms to reach an intended audience.

I know of so many marketing and graphic design professionals who go bouncing around from one job to another in order to make a few cents more each time. Everyone is losing. The companies have to continue looking for new employees. The employees don’t get to have any stability anywhere.

Is my job saving lives? No. Do I produce something necessary to the continuation of the comforts of humankind? Also, no. But if a company wants to continue to grow, they need creative professionals at some point. Just skating by on the free stuff you find online will only get you so far.

At what point will companies realize creative professionals are a necessary part of their growth?

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