Shine On

Ever since I got my first apartment, I’ve made it a point to always have a candle lit somewhere in the house. At first it was for the scent because candles can fill any room with a great aroma. Also, sitting in the dark with only a candle going is so calming. Even the smallest flame can light up a room in the best way.

Right now I light a candle in my workspace at home. It sits on a table next to the cross I got from my Dad’s funeral. Somehow I find that to be a direct connection to him wherever he may be.

I have this thing that whenever I’m working on some kind of project, I need to have a candle burning. It helps to ease my mind. Also, I like to think my Dad is finally giving me some kind of encouragement while I work. I seem to find comfort in burning that small light.

This candle is called Awake. I really like it!
My most recent candlelight inspiration.
So close to completion!

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