Finishing Soft

Yesterday I started this huge blog to catch you up on all the reasons I’ve been M.I.A. from my little blog. Then my photos weren’t uploading correctly and I got frustrated, so I just put it away.

Today I remembered a graphic a friend posted that totally spoke to me:

Before Christmas, I had decided to take this whole week off because I was seriously exhausted. I’ve been going nonstop since mid-September. At the beginning of December, I told everyone I would be taking this week to sleep so much. But deep down I kept wondering if we could squeeze in a little road trip, or if I could take on another project. Now I’m glad I didn’t listen to myself or to the guilt that comes with taking time for oneself.

I’ve seriously taken this week to rest. That rest has come in the form of long midday naps, watching shows I didn’t expect to even like, cleaning off the top of my dresser, walking a mile each day, enjoying lunch with Husband, and wandering around a bookstore.

Today I considered going out for Thirsty Thursday and possibly getting destroyed on $6 pitchers at some college hangout. But then I decided I REALLY didn’t want to deal with a hangover tomorrow because that would wreck my restful flow I’ve had going this week. I’ve really liked having a clear head.

I feel like so many people around me are in survival or healing mode. Honestly, so am I. Right now, I’m just thankful to be here. While I’m dreaming up ideas and goals for the coming year, I’m grateful to have had a few days to just be. I really needed it. No alarm clocks or schedules or running around.

So yes, I’m finishing the year “soft,” and I’m okay with that. I truly feel like when I go back to work next week, I’ll be ready to kick some ass with Jessica Alexander awesomeness!

Here’s to You, and Me, and all the good things we’ll take into our lives in 2024!

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