First Day of Scary

Yesterday was my first day of grad school. Okay, so I’m only taking one class, but still it’s a big deal for me. Just one class of anything takes a lot! Let alone grad school. You’re becoming a master in something. Besides, working full-time and having a family is already a full schedule. And lately, it seems like the universe just has to throw wrenches at us because why not?

I swore up and down that I was never, ever going back to school. But after much thought and looking at the direction of my career, I kind of felt it’s a necessary step to further my career.

Anyways, ever since I got accepted to grad school I’ve been scared. Would I be surrounded by fresh graduates who were more up to date on skills than me? What if I don’t remember the correct way to write an APA style paper? Is research at the library still a thing? What if they can read right through me and see that I hate theory and research and stuff? What if I’m totally lost on everything?!?!

I did everything I could to prepare myself for this class. I didn’t want to show up like Elle Woods on her first day of law school!


So my first class is Mass Communication Theory (uuuuuuggggghhhh). I arrived a few minutes early to my class. Once again, I’m the old lady in the class. There’s only 17 students in total. Most are fresh graduates. Thankfully, the instructor assured us that he’s going to try his best to make this class as enjoyable as possible. There will be lots of reading to do, but that’s so we can prepare for discussion since this is a seminar course. There’s a giant case study due at the end of the semester, and that’s what I’m REALLY scared of!

But, I’m going to give it my best! I may fail, I may do good. We’ll see where this whole thing takes me. The point is, I’m not giving up just yet. Even though I’m scared out of my mind!


My home for the next few years.

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