Summer Bummer

The summer just started and I don’t have much to look forward to. This year we’re not taking an awesome big vacation like we have the past two years. I’m really sad about it.

Vince and Aria are in New Jersey as we speak. I considered hopping on a plane and just going with them, but then I started thinking that if I’m going to spend money and time on what’s supposed to be my vacation, I want to actually do stuff. I suggested some stuff to Vince, but he instantly rained on it, so I decided to just stay home.

So now I’m just here alone. I probably could go out and do something, but I’ve been doing my school work instead. Honestly, had I taken a trip, I probably wouldn’t have been able to get my school work done. At least that’s what I’m telling myself.

There’s been a lot of shifting at work. Nothing really bad, but it’s starting to feel very corporate. There’s a lot of “look like me,” “act like me,” “leave your personality at home,” going on. I really don’t like that. There was a little bit of a merger and it while it has been beneficial to me personally, it’s had a big hit on morale with other people. I hope it gets better soon.

I hope you have more to look forward to than the monotony of what is expected of us. I’ve been working on remembering and practicing my FISH philosophy skills.

Before they left to New Jersey, we spent an evening at our local amusement park. This is as vacationy as my summer’s going to get.

He refuses to smile.

She doesn’t mind hanging on her own.

This place is cute.

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