
I’m an Artist. It’s what I do.

Thank you for visiting my blog! My name is Jessica and I live in wonderful West Texas. I first started this blog in May 2012 as a way of job searching.  At that time I was at a major turning point in my life and career.

After a few ups and downs I’ve gotten to a much better place in my life.  I have embraced the inner artist in me and have found so much happiness!  I have a husband, Vince, who I am totally in love with. We have a young daughter who has brought a happy light into our home.  Together, we live a truly lovely life.

The purpose of this blog is to keep a small documentary on my adventures, things happening around me, what I think about, and my life in general.  I fall, get up, dream, learn, and breath just like everyone else.  I want you to see that you are not alone in going through the things that happen to you.

Thank you for joining me on my journey!

What is “Midnight Revelry?”

At midnight, a new day officially begins. Another chance to grow, kick ass, go for it, chase the dream, or whatever it is we do. We’re alive. So, why not celebrate it?


Graphic Designer

I recently became a full-time graphic designer for higher education. I love it! Happy user of all things Adobe – Photoshop, Illustrator, In Design, etc.


Still learning the ropes, but my kid is adorable.


I photograph people sometimes. We’re not going to live forever, so I think everyone should leave a photo for someone they love. Team Canon.


My husband is super gorgeous. I’ve been in love with him since the summer of 2004.

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