Just Stay This Little

Last night I asked Aria to try on a shirt that I wasn’t sure if it would still fit her. After she put it on and I took a good look at her, I realized my baby girl is growing so quickly. Her body is transforming into a tween. She looks a little bit like an... Continue Reading →

Finishing Soft

Yesterday I started this huge blog to catch you up on all the reasons I’ve been M.I.A. from my little blog. Then my photos weren’t uploading correctly and I got frustrated, so I just put it away. Today I remembered a graphic a friend posted that totally spoke to me: Before Christmas, I had decided... Continue Reading →

Designer Needs Friends

Artists are a special breed of humans. Back when I started my journey to become a photographer, it was a little lonely. I'd meet seasoned photographers, but they had no interest in taking a total newbie like me under their wing. They were only friends with other highly successful photographers. It was sad for me.... Continue Reading →

We’re All Mad Here

You know that post that says something of, "You don't know what others are going through. Everyone is fighting their own battle," or whatever preachy nonsense? I just got a dose of that. Yesterday I ran into someone that I met way back when I first moved to West Texas. I hadn't seen her in... Continue Reading →

Life Does Not Suck

It’s a busy time of year for us and we've been here before. School gets started, Aria's schedule fills up, Vince starts a new bowling season, putting together Aria's birthday party, all the Fall activities, and in between there I do my best to keep it all going with perfect pitch-black eyeliner. Miss Aria is... Continue Reading →

So Long Sweet Summer

The summer has officially come to an end. What I thought would be a quiet summer turned out to be a few weeks of reconnection and it was really nice. Second day of school selfie. I reconnected with people that it’s not that we lost touch, but we’ve just been busy with life. We're all... Continue Reading →

Waiting In Time

When I was little, there was this big tree in front of our house. It had this perfect spot at the base for me to sit on. I would sit there looking towards the main street that cars would turn to go towards my house. Every time my parents would have another of their toxic... Continue Reading →

Beer, I Choose You

Whenever the world gets mad at me. Whenever I’m feeling down. Whenever I’m reminded of my own insignificance. Beer. Because beer has yet to tell me I’m worthless. “We are never sad, cause we are not allowed to be” - Rain

Goth Cheerleader

In a world of so many haters, let me be your cheerleader! Well, the cheerleader that wears all black. And drinks too much. And hangs out with a bunch of misfits. And hates the sun. Cheers to you and all the great things you will become! A much, much younger friend sent this to me... Continue Reading →

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