Shine On

Ever since I got my first apartment, I’ve made it a point to always have a candle lit somewhere in the house. At first it was for the scent because candles can fill any room with a great aroma. Also, sitting in the dark with only a candle going is so calming. Even the smallest... Continue Reading →

Bad Office Lighting

So today is my last day working for education. Two weeks ago, I put in my notice that I would be moving on. This week, (especially today) has shown me why leaving here is the best decision for myself at this moment. I have a feeling I’ll be okay. I’ve been hired to do marketing... Continue Reading →

Passion Project

The quarantine was one of the scariest times we've all lived through. So much insecurity and uncertainty touched every one of us. For me it was a good time to let go of a few things that needed to go. It was also a good time to get down and dirty on a project that... Continue Reading →

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