Jobs Are Like Boys

For years I've been saying, "Jobs are like boyfriends" - If you're not happy with the one you've got, dump his ass. Hence, why I've never stayed at a job more than 5 years. Anyways, I'm not sure exactly what's going on, but the past few months I've been getting all sorts of people asking... Continue Reading →

No Me Rajo, Chingao!

Just a quick blog post. I’m exhausted, y’all. It’s been crazy busy around here. Between life, business travel, work, and grad school, I’ve had no chill. And I’m fighting off a weird cold that’s messing with my brain and I don't feel good. But I’m not letting the bad win me over. I’m going out... Continue Reading →

Designer Needs Friends

Artists are a special breed of humans. Back when I started my journey to become a photographer, it was a little lonely. I'd meet seasoned photographers, but they had no interest in taking a total newbie like me under their wing. They were only friends with other highly successful photographers. It was sad for me.... Continue Reading →

We’re All Mad Here

You know that post that says something of, "You don't know what others are going through. Everyone is fighting their own battle," or whatever preachy nonsense? I just got a dose of that. Yesterday I ran into someone that I met way back when I first moved to West Texas. I hadn't seen her in... Continue Reading →


Have some faith in your creatives. You never know what magic they could hold under their sleeve. This is why we’re broke. Occasionally I receive invitations to apply for positions I might be qualified for. Let's get one thing clear, I am back working for education. I'm currently happy with where I'm at. The environment... Continue Reading →

Purple & Black

You know all those things people say: All in God's timing God's plan is perfect Things happen for a reason What's meant for you, no one can take from you ... and the list goes on. The last 24 hours have definitely shown me all that. It's been a giant revelation of the universe saying,... Continue Reading →

Monday Y’all!

Don’t have much to say, but just happy to be here! I had a relaxing weekend. Baby girl comes home today after spending the month at her ‘Wita’s. Hope you have a great day. Let’s rock this week! 😎 Jeez, I need something for these pinches ojeras!

Freakin’ Conformist

On this day 5 years ago, I was fired. It wasn’t pretty and it sucked ass. I wasn't happy there, but I also wasn't giving up. It caught me off guard in the dirtiest way. I did all the things I was "supposed" to do - talked like them, dressed like them, agreed with them,... Continue Reading →

Going Deaf And Other Fun Stuff

Dude! I think these West Texas winds are spreading some kind of something. Everyone around me is falling apart in some way. One of my coworkers is suffering from sinus stuff. Another one is dealing with the worst seasonal allergies. I have lost hearing in my right ear. Vince has some scratchy throat and head... Continue Reading →

Must Love Torture

So I just signed myself up for a 10-week marketing course because well, I guess I’m just not busy enough. Wish me luck. I’m going to need it. Send alcohol please! I can’t stand my hair or myself today. But I love my shirt!

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