No Me Rajo, Chingao!

Just a quick blog post. I’m exhausted, y’all. It’s been crazy busy around here. Between life, business travel, work, and grad school, I’ve had no chill. And I’m fighting off a weird cold that’s messing with my brain and I don't feel good. But I’m not letting the bad win me over. I’m going out... Continue Reading →

Finishing Soft

Yesterday I started this huge blog to catch you up on all the reasons I’ve been M.I.A. from my little blog. Then my photos weren’t uploading correctly and I got frustrated, so I just put it away. Today I remembered a graphic a friend posted that totally spoke to me: Before Christmas, I had decided... Continue Reading →

Goth Cheerleader

In a world of so many haters, let me be your cheerleader! Well, the cheerleader that wears all black. And drinks too much. And hangs out with a bunch of misfits. And hates the sun. Cheers to you and all the great things you will become! A much, much younger friend sent this to me... Continue Reading →

Shine On

Ever since I got my first apartment, I’ve made it a point to always have a candle lit somewhere in the house. At first it was for the scent because candles can fill any room with a great aroma. Also, sitting in the dark with only a candle going is so calming. Even the smallest... Continue Reading →

That’s A Wrap!

It seems as Miss Aria is getting older, she’s getting busier. Which in turn means Vince and I get busier. We have to block out time to drive her places and of course, the time she will be at whatever activity. This semester has taken a whole new turn for my Little Precious. Her school... Continue Reading →

Monday Y’all!

Don’t have much to say, but just happy to be here! I had a relaxing weekend. Baby girl comes home today after spending the month at her ‘Wita’s. Hope you have a great day. Let’s rock this week! 😎 Jeez, I need something for these pinches ojeras!

Good Thursday

Dude, on Thursday I had a rough morning to top off a rough week. Thankfully, I got to leave work early because I had signed myself up to help at Aria’s school for their Egg Hunt. At first I wasn’t sure my mentality was quite in it. But in the end, it’s just what I... Continue Reading →

Bad Office Lighting

So today is my last day working for education. Two weeks ago, I put in my notice that I would be moving on. This week, (especially today) has shown me why leaving here is the best decision for myself at this moment. I have a feeling I’ll be okay. I’ve been hired to do marketing... Continue Reading →

Passion Project

The quarantine was one of the scariest times we've all lived through. So much insecurity and uncertainty touched every one of us. For me it was a good time to let go of a few things that needed to go. It was also a good time to get down and dirty on a project that... Continue Reading →

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