20 Years

Every year on Father’s Day, Vince and I celebrate the anniversary of our very first date. This year was a little different. For starters, on that day he and Aria were traveling back home from visiting our family in New Jersey. Then, we've just had all sorts of stuff going on. So we really didn't... Continue Reading →

Summer Bummer

The summer just started and I don't have much to look forward to. This year we're not taking an awesome big vacation like we have the past two years. I'm really sad about it. Vince and Aria are in New Jersey as we speak. I considered hopping on a plane and just going with them,... Continue Reading →

The Problem This Year

I've been known to rave about my perfect, precious child and how amazing she is. Well, Aria is human and not without fault. As the school year is coming to an end, I'm reflecting on things we've learned and how she's growing into her own person. One thing that has been a continuous problem this... Continue Reading →

1 Down, 9 To Go

I’m done! My first grad school class is officially dunzo! A puros madrazos, but I got through it! I know grad school is all I've spoken about lately, but that's all that's taken over my life this year. Was it hard? Hell yes! Do I regret doing it? Not even a little bit! I was... Continue Reading →

No Me Rajo, Chingao!

Just a quick blog post. I’m exhausted, y’all. It’s been crazy busy around here. Between life, business travel, work, and grad school, I’ve had no chill. And I’m fighting off a weird cold that’s messing with my brain and I don't feel good. But I’m not letting the bad win me over. I’m going out... Continue Reading →

I Think About You All The Time

I think about how later this year you would've been turning 16. Yesterday your Daddy bought tickets for himself and your little sister to go visit our family in New Jersey. You'd be old enough to stay with your grandparents for the summer if you'd have liked to. I think about how you probably would've... Continue Reading →

First Day of Scary

Yesterday was my first day of grad school. Okay, so I’m only taking one class, but still it’s a big deal for me. Just one class of anything takes a lot! Let alone grad school. You’re becoming a master in something. Besides, working full-time and having a family is already a full schedule. And lately,... Continue Reading →

Just Stay This Little

Last night I asked Aria to try on a shirt that I wasn’t sure if it would still fit her. After she put it on and I took a good look at her, I realized my baby girl is growing so quickly. Her body is transforming into a tween. She looks a little bit like an... Continue Reading →

Finishing Soft

Yesterday I started this huge blog to catch you up on all the reasons I’ve been M.I.A. from my little blog. Then my photos weren’t uploading correctly and I got frustrated, so I just put it away. Today I remembered a graphic a friend posted that totally spoke to me: Before Christmas, I had decided... Continue Reading →

Dear Santa

Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is my bills paid. And about a week’s worth of sleep. And one of those cool Blvck notebooks that are way too expensive, but oh so cool! I’m so tired y’all. I had the bright idea to work at my local Santa Land. Making $50 a night to... Continue Reading →

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