Finishing Soft

Yesterday I started this huge blog to catch you up on all the reasons I’ve been M.I.A. from my little blog. Then my photos weren’t uploading correctly and I got frustrated, so I just put it away. Today I remembered a graphic a friend posted that totally spoke to me: Before Christmas, I had decided... Continue Reading →

Young Child/Old Parents

We waited a while before we had a child. Seriously. We were almost mid-thirties. So now being in our 40's and having a young child, well, it has its days. There are days we have all the motivation to do all the things for our child because she's so full of energy and everything is... Continue Reading →

11 Years

Today marks 11 years of marriage for me and my mister. Every day is everything because I have him in my life. I’m truly fortunate to do life with Mr. Alexander. He’s my person. Annual Anniversary selfie! Taquitos, Mr. Alexander!

God Bless That Man

You guys, I just don’t know what I’d do without my husband. I say that a lot around here and I truly mean it. Today, Aria and I just had a bad day. We’re both just sitting here crying with our confidence in the gutter. Then there’s Vince, just taking care of us. Being the... Continue Reading →

You’ve Still Got Me

A few weeks ago, during our Christmas break, I found myself filled with anxiety and uncertainty. So much ridiculousness was living rent-free on my mind. One morning, I was crying in bed telling Vince about all the things weighing on me. Vince just listened and told me he understood how I was feeling. Then he... Continue Reading →

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