11 Years

Today marks 11 years of marriage for me and my mister. Every day is everything because I have him in my life. I’m truly fortunate to do life with Mr. Alexander. He’s my person. Annual Anniversary selfie! Taquitos, Mr. Alexander!

God Bless That Man

You guys, I just don’t know what I’d do without my husband. I say that a lot around here and I truly mean it. Today, Aria and I just had a bad day. We’re both just sitting here crying with our confidence in the gutter. Then there’s Vince, just taking care of us. Being the... Continue Reading →

You’ve Still Got Me

A few weeks ago, during our Christmas break, I found myself filled with anxiety and uncertainty. So much ridiculousness was living rent-free on my mind. One morning, I was crying in bed telling Vince about all the things weighing on me. Vince just listened and told me he understood how I was feeling. Then he... Continue Reading →

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