Dear Santa

Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas is my bills paid. And about a week’s worth of sleep. And one of those cool Blvck notebooks that are way too expensive, but oh so cool! I’m so tired y’all. I had the bright idea to work at my local Santa Land. Making $50 a night to... Continue Reading →

Waiting In Time

When I was little, there was this big tree in front of our house. It had this perfect spot at the base for me to sit on. I would sit there looking towards the main street that cars would turn to go towards my house. Every time my parents would have another of their toxic... Continue Reading →

Beer, I Choose You

Whenever the world gets mad at me. Whenever I’m feeling down. Whenever I’m reminded of my own insignificance. Beer. Because beer has yet to tell me I’m worthless. “We are never sad, cause we are not allowed to be” - Rain

Bad Office Lighting

So today is my last day working for education. Two weeks ago, I put in my notice that I would be moving on. This week, (especially today) has shown me why leaving here is the best decision for myself at this moment. I have a feeling I’ll be okay. I’ve been hired to do marketing... Continue Reading →

Pushing Through

Most days I have no clue or direction. But for now, I helped Aria with her homework, did her nightly reading, and got her in bed on time. Now I’ve got to get our clothes ready for tomorrow, finish my daily reading goal (I’m trying to get back into reading regularly like I used to!),... Continue Reading →

Too Nice

Apparently being nice is a fault. When did it become a bad thing to not want to be another sucky human? Why does one have to be an asshole in order to get ahead? I’m sorry I choose not to be a total douche. The way I see it, there’s already plenty of those.

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