Life Does Not Suck

It’s a busy time of year for us and we've been here before. School gets started, Aria's schedule fills up, Vince starts a new bowling season, putting together Aria's birthday party, all the Fall activities, and in between there I do my best to keep it all going with perfect pitch-black eyeliner. Miss Aria is... Continue Reading →

So Long Sweet Summer

The summer has officially come to an end. What I thought would be a quiet summer turned out to be a few weeks of reconnection and it was really nice. Second day of school selfie. I reconnected with people that it’s not that we lost touch, but we’ve just been busy with life. We're all... Continue Reading →

Goth Cheerleader

In a world of so many haters, let me be your cheerleader! Well, the cheerleader that wears all black. And drinks too much. And hangs out with a bunch of misfits. And hates the sun. Cheers to you and all the great things you will become! A much, much younger friend sent this to me... Continue Reading →

Season of Change

With this school year wrapping up, it seems like my little familia is having a lot of stuff going on. There have been changes, endings and new things are coming very quickly. My people. First, one of our longtime friends Daniel, passed away a week ago. His brother David let us know last Sunday that... Continue Reading →

Off The Bucket List

If you’re like me, you might have a playlist of music to save your life. At the very top of mine you can find "Disintegration" by The Cure. Oh, that song. It has always screamed so many things of my life. All my hurts, the feelings of not being good enough, the loud never-ending thoughts... Continue Reading →

New Shoes

While snooping around online few weeks ago, I came across a pair of adorable London Rag bow loafers and I fell in love with them! The place I saw them didn't have my size. I did an insane search throughout the interwebs, but I still couldn't find my size. Now because I'm a marketing person,... Continue Reading →

There’s Still Hope

Aria was about 4 weeks old. I had an appointment to be at that afternoon. Vince was at work. It had taken me like 5 hours to get ready - and I didn't even do my hair! I just threw on a cap. Between getting myself ready, getting Aria ready, getting her fed, and figuring... Continue Reading →

Spring Cleanse

I’ve got 99 problems and these people make 100 of them better. Y’all, is the school year over yet? This time of year gets crazy busy for us. Between end-of-the-year activities for Aria, planning summer activities and trips for the familia, and life - We've got a lot going on for the next few weeks.... Continue Reading →

Shine On

Ever since I got my first apartment, I’ve made it a point to always have a candle lit somewhere in the house. At first it was for the scent because candles can fill any room with a great aroma. Also, sitting in the dark with only a candle going is so calming. Even the smallest... Continue Reading →

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